Raising Explorers is Multi Award Winning unique Out Of School Learning Club and Ofsted registered Childcare centre based in the famous Carlisle Business Centre in Manningham, Bradford. Established since 2012, with the key aim to revolutionise the services available to young children aged between 5-15, parents and the community.


Choosing the Right Centre

What is an 'After School Club'?

An After School Club is essentially an Out Of School provision that provides Childcare Sessions after school hours and also during School Holidays. Children get to learn, play and engage with other children under the guidance of qualified staff.

Are After School Childcare Providers Registered and Inspected?

Childcare is regulated and inspected by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). This means Ofsted ensures that a set of standards have been met by carrying out an inspection and or other checks in order to determine that a childcare provider is suitable to look after children.

This gives parents the assurance that the club is meeting appropriate standards of care with suitably qualified staff. Out Of School provisions can be on either one of two registers; Early Years Register or the Childcare Register.

What is the Early Years Register (EYR)?

The Early Years Register is for all providers working with children aged from birth to five. Providers must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which brings together care and learning. Typically this will be full day care, preschools, Childminders and some Out Of School provision (holiday schemes or after school clubs).

What is the Ofsted Childcare Register (OCR)?

The Ofsted Childcare Register (OCR) is not as intensive as the full Early Years Register. The OCR is divided into two parts:

The compulsory OCR: this is childcare for children aged five to seven. Typically this will be Childminders and Out Of School providers (unless they are exempt).

The voluntary OCR: this is for providers who are not required to register, but can choose to do so. Typically this will be nannies, activity based settings, short term care and care for children aged eight and over.

Choosing the Right Club!

Finally, have a good look around and ask your child for his/her thoughts; as it will be them spending their time at the centre, so it is important that they are happy. Ask yourself, ‘Will my child be happy here and feel welcomed? Can I be at ease fully, knowing my child is being well looked after? Is the environment they are in, going to support and nurture them.